[دانشمند] هنگامی که از آنچه نمی داند پرسیده شد، ازگفتن «خداوند داناتر است» خجالت نکشد . [امام علی علیه السلام]
لوگوی وبلاگ

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :8
بازدید دیروز :1
کل بازدید :15228
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 11
1:54 ص


If a particular reading were to represent different degrees of hot or cold depending on location ;thermometers would be useless.
Liquid-in glass thermometers are often used for measuring surface air
temperature because they are easy to read and inexpensive to construct.
These thermometers have a glass bulb attached to a sealed;graduated tube
about 25 cm (10in).
Long . A very small opening or bore extends from the bulb to the end of the tube.A liquid in the bulb(usually mercury or red-colored alcohol) is free to move from the bulb up through the bore and into the tube.When the air temperature increases the liquid in the bulb expands ;and rises up the tube. When the air temperature decreases the liquid contracts and moves down the tube. Hence the length of the liquid the tube represents the air temperature. Because the bore is very narrow a small temperature chang will show up as a relatively large change
in the length of the liquid column.
Maximum and minimum thermometers are liquid –in-glass thermometers used for determining daily maximum and minimum temperatures.The maximum thermomeometer looks like any other liquid-in glass thermometer with one excption:It has a small constriction within the bore just
above the bulb (see fig 3.14).
As the air temperature increases the mercury expands and freely moves past the constriction up the tube until the maximum temperature begins to drop the small constriction prevents the mercury from flowing back into the bulb .Thus the end of the stationary mercury column indicates the maximum
temperature for the day.
The mercury will stay at this position until either the air warms to a higher reading or the thermometer is reset by whirling it
on a special holder and pivot.
Usually the whirling issufficient to push the mercury back in to the bulb past the constriction until the end of the column indicates the
present air temperature.*
A minimum thermometer measures the lowest temperature
reached during a given period.
Most minimum thermometers use alcohol as a liquid since it freezes
at a thermometers
of -130 c compared to -39 c for
The minimum thermometer is similar to other liquid –in-glass thermometers except that it contains a small barbell-shaped index markerin the bore (see fig 3.15) .The small index marker is free to slide back and forth within the liquid.It cannot move out of the liquid because the surface tension at the end of the liquid
column(the meniscus)hols it in.
A minimum thermometer is
mounted horizon-tally.
As the air temperature drops the contracting liquid moves back in to the bulb and bring index marker down the bore with it .When the air temperature stops decreasing the liquid and the index marker stop moving down the bore.As the air warms the alcohol expands and moves freely up the tube past the statinary index marker. Because the index marker does not move as the air warms;the minimum temperature is read by observing
the upper end of the marker.
To reset a minimum thermometer ;simply tip it upside down.This allows the index marker to slide to the upper end of the alcohol column which is indicating the
current air temperature.
The thermometer is then remounted horizontally so that the marker will move toward the bulb as the air temperature decreases. Highly accurate temperature measurements may be made with electrical thermometers such as the thermistor and the electical resistance thermometer.

90/2/4::: 11:43 ع
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