بیازماى تا دشمن آن گردى ، [ و بعضى این جمله را از رسول خدا ( ص ) روایت کرده‏اند : و آنچه تأیید مى‏کند از سخنان امیر مؤمنان ( ع ) است روایت ثعلب از ابن اعرابى است که مأمون گفت : اگر على ( ع ) نگفته بود « اخبر تقله » مى‏گفتم « أقله تخبر » . ] [نهج البلاغه]
لوگوی وبلاگ

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :9
بازدید دیروز :1
کل بازدید :15229
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 11
1:59 ص


In cold weather ;wet skin can be a factor in how cold we feel. A cold rainy day (drizzly or even fogy) often feels colder than a ;dry;one because water on exposedskin conducts heat away from the body better than air does.In fact in cold wet and windy weather a person may actually lose body heat faster than the body can produce it.This may even occur in relatively mild weather with air temperature as high as 10 c (50 f). The rapid loss of body heat may lower the body temperature below it s normal level and bring on a condition known as hypothermia –the rapid progressive mental and physical collapse that accompanies the lowering of human body temperature .
The first symptom of hypothermia is exhaustion .
If exposure continues judgment and reasoning power begin to disappear.
Prolonged exposure especially at temperatures near or below freezing produces stupor collapse and death when the internal body temperature drops to about 26 c(79 f).
In cold weather heat is more easily dissipated through the skin.To counteract this rapid heat loss the peripheral blood vessels of the body constrict cutting off the flow of blood to the outer layers of the skin.
In hot weather the blood vessels enlarge allowing a greater loss of heat energy to the surroundings.
In addition to this we perspire .As evaporation occurs the skin cools .
When the air contains a great deal of water vapor and it is close to being saturated perspiration does not readily evaporate from the skin.
Less evaporational cooling causes most people start to complain about the heat and humidity.
(A closer look at how we feel in hot weather will be given in chapter 4; after we have examined the concepts of relative humidity and wet- bulb temperature.)
Thermometers were developed to measure air temperature. Each thermometer has a definite scale and is calibrated so that a thermomter reading of 0 c in Vermont will indicate the same temperature as a thervermont with the same reading in North Dakota

90/2/3::: 8:21 ع
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