بزودی فتنه هایی می آید که انسان، صبح با ایمان برمی خیزد و شب بی ایمان می گردد؛ جز آنکه خداوند او را با دانش زنده کرده است . [پیامبر خدا صلی الله علیه و آله]
لوگوی وبلاگ

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :2
بازدید دیروز :12
کل بازدید :15149
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 11
1:7 ع


Dily temperaature drops below 65 f. Therefore heating degree-day are determined by subtracting the mean temperature for the day from 65 f. Thus if the mean temperature for a day is 64 f;there would be 1 heating degree –day on this day. On days when the mean temperature is above 65 f;there are no heating degree-days .Hence the lower the average daily temperature the more heating degree –days and the greater the predicted consumption of fuel. When the number of heating degree-days for a whole year is calculated the heating fule requirements for any location can be estimated.Figure 3.12 shows the yearly average number of heating degree-days in various locations throughout the United states. As the mean daily temperature climbs above 65 f people begin to cool their indoor environment .conse quently an index called the cooling degree-day is used during warm weather to estimate the energe needed to cool indoor air to a comfortable level.The forecast of mean daily temperature is converted to cooling degree-days by subtracting 65 f from the mean .The remaining value is the number of cooling degree-days for that day.For exampel a day   with a mean temperature of 70f would correspond to (70-65)or 5 cooling degree-days. High values indicate warm weather and high power production for cooling (see fig 3.13). Knowledge of the number of cooling degree-days in an area allows a builder to plan the size and type of equipment that should be installed to provide adequate air conditioning.Also the forecasting of cooling degree –days during the summer gives power companies a way of predicting the energy demand during peak energy periods.A composite of heating plus cooling degree –days would give a practical indication of the energy requirements over the year.Farmers use an index called growinng degree-days as a guide to planting and for determining the approxi mate dates when a crop will be ready for harvesting .A growing degree –day for a particular crop is defind as a day on which the mean daily temperature is one degree above the base temperature (also known as the zero temperature)-the minimum temperature required for growth of that crop. For sweet corn the base temperature is 50 f and for peas it is 40 f . One a summer day in lowa the mean temperature might be 80 f . From table 3.1 we can see that on this day sweet corn would accumulate (80-50)or 30 grow ing degree –days. Theoretically sweet corn can be harvested when it accumulates a total of 2200growing degree –days .So if sweet corn is planted in early April and each –days thereafter averages about 20 growing degree –days the corn would be ready for harvest abiut 110 days later or around the middle of July. At one time corn varieties were rated in terms of days to maturity .This rating system was unsuccessful because in actual practice corn took considerably longer in some areas than in other s. This discrepancy was the reason for defining growing egree-days .Hence in humid lowa where summer nighttime temperatures are high growing degree-days accumulate much faster. Consequently the corn matures in consid erably fewer days than in the drier west where summer nighttime temperetures are lower and each day accumulates fewer growing degree –days .Although moisture and other condition are not taken in to account grow ing degree –days nevertheless serve as a useful in .

پیامهای عمومی ارسال شده
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