من از آنچه نمی دانید نمی ترسم؛ اما بنگرید در آنچه می دانید چگونه عمل می کنید . [پیامبر خدا صلی الله علیه و آله]
لوگوی وبلاگ

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :1
بازدید دیروز :12
کل بازدید :15148
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 11
12:38 ع


In humid regions the diurnal temperature rage is usullly small. Here haze and clouds lower the maxi mum temperature by preventing some of the sun;s energy from reaching the surface.at night the moist air keeps the minimum temperature high by absorbing the eart;s infared radiating a portion of it to the ground.An example of a humid city with a small summer diurnal temperature rang is charleston south carolinwhere the average july maximum is tempeerature is 32(72f0and the (90 f) the average minimum is 22 (72 f) and the diurnal range is only 10 (18 f).cities near larg bodies of water typically have smaller diurnal temperature ranges than cities further inland.This phenomenon is caused in part by the additional water vapor in the air and by the fact that water warms and cools much more slowly than land. Moreover cities whose temperature reading are obtained at airports often have larger diurnal temperature ranges than those whoes readings are obtained in downtown areas.the reason for this fact is that night time temperatures in cities .this nighttime city warmth –called the urban hest island –is due to industril and urban development a topic that will be treated more completely in chapter12. The average of the highest and lowest temperature for a 24-hour period is known as the mean dail temperature.most newspapers list the mean dialy temperature along with the highest and lowest temperatures for the preceding day.The average of the mean daily temperatures for a particular date averaged for a 30-year period give the average temperature for each month is the average of the daily mean temperatures for that month .An ditional information on the concept of normal temperature of the warmest and coldest months is called the annual range of temperature .usually the largest an nual ranges occur over land the smallest over water .Hence inland cities have larger annual ranges than coastal cities. Near the equator (because daylight length varies little and the sun is always high in the noon sky)annual temperature ranges are small usually less than 3 (5 f0.Quito Ecuador –on the equator at an elevation of 2850m(9350ft)-experiencese an annual range of less than 1.in middle and high latitudes large seasonal variations in the amount of sunlight reaching the surface produce larg temperature contrasts between winter and summer.Here annual ranges are larg espe.one of the greatesttemperature ranges ever recorded in the Norhern Hemisphere (56 c or 100 f)occurred at browning Mantana on january 23;1916 when the air temperature plummeted from 7 c (44 f)to 49 c (-56 f)in less than 24houres.this huge temperature range howewer would represent a rather typical day on the plant Mars where the average high temperature reaches about -12 c(10 f)and the average low drops to -79 c (-110 f)producing a daily temperature range of 67 c;or 120 f . Cially in the middle of a continent .Yakutsk in north eastern Siberia near the arctic circle has an extremely larg annual temperature range of 62 c(112 f).The average temperature of any station for the entire year is the mean (avrege0annual temperature which represents the average of the twelve monthly average temperatures .*When two cities have the same mean annual temperature it might first seem that their .*The mean annual temperature may be obtained by taking the of the 12 monthly means and dividing that total by 12;or by obtaining the sum of the daily mean and dividing that total by 365.

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